Consultant architectural,
engineering and planning
Consultant architectural, engineering and planning
Málaga | Fuerteventura.
Málaga interior
Málaga centro
Sostenibilidad energética
Sostenibilidad energética
Students create hydroceramics wall that could replace the use of air conditionated.
The use of air conditioners have become increasingly more popular in homes, offices, and pretty much everywhere else you go. The problem is that, while relying on them to cool down the air in warmer weather, we also use large amounts of electricity, which is reflected on our bills but especially in environmental damage.
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Sostenibilidad energética
Vortex, un molino de viento sin aspas ideal para países en desarrollo
El emprendimiento español espera lanzar en 2016 los primeros productos enfocados al uso residencial: Vortex Atlantis será el primer proyecto piloto en la India y medirá 3 metros de alto, con una capacidad de 100 W y a un precio tentativo de USD 250. Mientras Vortex Mini, con 13 metros de alto, podría abastecer a un poblado indio o una vivienda española.
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